Shipment Preparation Made Simple

Rate Quote

Our Rate Quote tool features a Quick Quote option, time-saving options to pre-fill fields, and seamless integration with our Bill of Lading, Pickup Request, and Commodity Library tools.

My Estes users can use Rate Quote to get account-specific quotes and review their Rate Quote History. Not a My Estes user? Use Rate Quote to request estimates for shipping in the U.S., Canada, or Mexico based on our current rates—or sign up for a free My Estes account today!

Learn about how to get the most out of our Rate Quote tool:

Bill of Lading

Our Bill of Lading tool lets My Estes users save time by using any valid rate quote to generate a BOL, importing commodities from your Commodity Library and addresses from your Address Book, instantly adding special handling requests—and more.

Don’t have a My Estes account? Download our blank BOL form here—or sign up for a free My Estes account today!

Learn about how to get the most out of our Bill of Lading tool:

Pickup Request

Our Pickup Request tool lets My Estes users add multiple shipments to a single request, add new details to ensure we bring the best equipment to the pickup, add dockworker contact information, and select a default account to pre-fill fields.

Learn about how to get the most out of our Pickup Request tool:

Don’t have a My Estes account? Learn how to schedule pickups and more—or sign up for a free My Estes account today! 

Terminal Lookup

Simply enter the state or Zip/Postal Code in Terminal Lookup to locate supporting terminals in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.

Transit Time Calculator

Use the Transit Time Calculator to find the transit time between your freight’s origin and one or more destinations.

Density Calculator

Our Density Calculator helps you determine shipping class and rates for your freight. All you need to do is enter your shipment's length, width, height, and weight.